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Pulling the plug


It's not exactly going to be surprise that this day was coming given that Interspire effectively ended their Shopping Cart product 18 months before they officially recognised the fact.

Since the official maintenance period for the last gasp renewals has since expired I've decided to stop supporting the products as much because I have little enough time for my own business needs and Interspire, thankfully won't be a part of them for much longer.

Module Specific Information

The Google Merchant/Base/Product module has just received it's last major update and an update is available to all customers who purchased the module in the last 18 months. Anyone else who let their purchase lapse will need to pay a full fee of £75 as considerable effort went into this update thanks particularly to the taxonomy and Google feed requirements.

I will be debugging and sorting any issues as reported but if/when Google changes their feed spec' again it's unlikely I'll be in a position to provide future updates.


The Royal Mail Advanced module is still active and will be for as long as I use their services although I have switched to a Contract rate version which is not publicly available.


The PayPoint.net module is no longer active as Paypoint in their wisdom changed their service plans and features and left me sitting. It still works and is active on my own ISC store but requires customisation and help from Paypoint to get it to work.


All other modules/fixes/etc...

I am still posting fixes and nuggets of code on the shoppingcartcommunity.com forums but support is very much as/when.



Still Using Interspire Shopping Cart

If you're still looking for someone to help then about the only person I can recommend is known as Joshmods.
Avoid cartaddons, mr_isc and 5mservices for reasons that should be apparent if you do some digging.

All that said though, I recommend focusing on finding a replacement cart system and use your time and financial resources to get off Interspire Shopping Cart as soon as possible.

Good luck!

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