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About Me

SnailSolutions is the brainchild of Martin Smallridge, otherwise known as "WebSnail" on the Interspire forums or "Martin" on InterspireD.net

From a coding perspective I've been hacking PHP for the last 10+ years, bending tools like phpBB2 and Interspires Shopping Cart to my will so that it does the things I've needed it to for projects like UKRag.net.

Probably my coding highpoint was the Calender Lite and Calendar Pro systems which were, at one time used to great effect on 1,000's of community based sites of varying sizes. Those days are long gone with the advent of small children (one so far) and a fast growing eCommerce retail company.

For the past four years I've been using my skills to resolve the numerous bugs, issues or lack of required features, in the Interspire Shopping Cart (ISC) culminating in this mod/hack store.

The modules and hacks sold on here are for those projects where other ISC store owners expressed an interest in what I was doing, or I simply identified a hole that needed filling. To that end I've released a number of them commercially and support these as best I can whilst running my own ISC store fixing things as I go.

I no longer provide custom coding work due to time constraints and a very active 2 year old son.